Parent Expectations
Now you have joined The Day Nursery, we expect all parents to adhere to the following points to collectively ensure the smooth running of the nursery and safety of all children and staff.
– For safeguarding reasons, parents and carers are NOT authorised to use mobile telephones within the setting. All handsets must be placed in a bag or in a pocket so they are not visible. Staff will challenge you to put them away if they are visibly being hand held.
– For Safeguarding reasons, parents and carers are strictly NOT permitted to open the door to any other person or family without permission from someone within the setting. This includes if they are someone you know.
– For safeguarding reasons, only named adults are permitted entrance to the nursery. This means if you have a friend coming with you at collection time, they must wait outside the building unless we they are a named person on the collection list.
– All children must have a regular attendance at the nursery, low attendance to the setting has a significant impact on your child’s learning and development. Children must not take a holiday of more than 4 weeks if they attend any funded sessions, as we are not able to claim funding for the sessions you will be missing. Failure to attend regularly may result in termination of your place.
– All nursery fees must be cleared in full by the 1st of the month. This includes if you are making a voucher or Tax Free Childcare payment, please ensure your vouchers are sent at least 3-5 working days prior to the 1st of the month.
– All Children must be come to nursery with a bag of spare clothes, we have lots of messy activities and if toilet training we definitely will need spares in case of any accidents. We advise bringing children in clothes which you don’t mind getting messy while we are exploring and having fun.
– All Children must be provided with all seasonal items such as sun cream and hats during the summer, coats, gloves and woolly hats in the winter. Any children without these items may not be able to take part in activates in the outside area, without suitable attire and protection! In the summer, please send your children into nursery wearing sun cream.
– Do not bring any food items or products into the nursery that contain nuts, as we have a strict No Nuts Policy for children and staff who may have nut allergies, please check packaging prior to bringing in these products.
– All parents are advised to regularly use our Famly System, this is where we share lots of information about your child’s time with us, such as meals, activities, photos and learning journeys. Please make sure you create an account when you receive your link so you can keep in touch with us regularly, as we often send out information using the Famly system.
– Please provide suitable pain relief products such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. These can be stored in the cupboard until they are required if your child is unwell. We do only have limited cupboard space, so please only bring one of these if possible.
– All Parents and carers must adhere to drop off and collection times, please be fully aware of the times your sessions are booked in for. As we must adhere to strict adult to child ratios to comply with regulations. Staff travel to the nursery from a variety of different areas of Peterborough and beyond, with a majority relying on public transport to get to and from the nursery. Arriving later than your collection time impacts the staff and in some instances can cause them to miss transport home, adding up to an hour on their travel time if missing a bus home.
Drop off and collection times are as follows:
Drop Off Times | Collection Times |
Morning Session – Drop off no earlier than 8:00am | Morning session – collect no later than 1:00pm |
Full Day Funded Session (10 hours) – Drop off no earlier than 8:00am | Afternoon or Full Day Session – collect no later than 6:00pm |
If you are unsure of your collection time and would like to clarify, please ask a member of management.
– All parents and carers must use the designated 20 minute area of Trinity Street to Park at drop of and collection. Please be courteous to all drivers and families, it is not acceptable to mount the pathway in front of the nursery to drop your child off or collect your child. The pathway outside the nursery is narrow and parking this way can be dangerous when people are leaving the building. Please adhere to parking restrictions on Priestgate and Trinity Street in regards to the double yellow lined areas.
– All parents and carers must adhere to the sickness policy and exclusions of The Day Nursery, If children are unwell please try to keep them at home so they can fully recover before returning to the nursery. If an illness is manageable with medication such as Calpol and the children are going to enjoy and take part in the session, then please bring them in as usual.
– Treat all staff politely and with respect and enjoy your time with us all at The Day Nursery!!