Early Years Pupil Premium
Spring Term – January to March 2020
This term we have focussed on using some of the EYPP money to support eligible families with the payment of their nursery food, this ensures that the children are able to have a hot meal during the day.
The remaining money is to be spent on resources to help narrow the gap in the children’s achievements and bring their development closer to that of their peers by empowering them with cultural capital.
When considering how best to support the children we looked closely at identifying gaps in their experiences and then worked closely with the families, listened to how they felt we could support them the most.
Summer Term – Winter Term – April to December 2020
During the Summer the country went into a full lock down due to a pandemic (Covid-19). Looking at the development records of our eligible children it was apparent that Maths was slightly behind.
As we have previously spent money on Maths equipment it was felt between the key workers, room leaders and management team that we have enough supplies to be able to further the child’s learning in this area of development.
As we had to close over the lockdown period, it was a general consensus that the children have struggled in PSED as they started to return and that parents had also been struggling with their own emotions as well as those of their children. Watching their parents struggle financially, emotionally, and mentally had impacted on the behaviour of the children. One child in particular was particularly anxious about entering the setting again without her ‘baby’ (a doll she had become attached to).
After talks involving parent’s we decided to spend the money on tools that would help the children emotionally overcome the trauma of being in a pandemic. This included emotion puppets, mirrors, books about the situation, and feeling resources.
EYPP A Parents Guide
EYPP Policy