Early Years Pupil Premium - 2016
September 2016
After looking closely at the children’s individual needs, we identified that we would spend the funding on the following things to support the children.
We wanted to ensure that the children are being offered enough opportunities to learn and improve their development in ‘Understanding the World’ and instill the importance of ‘British Values’ by learning more about different cultures. Therefore we improved our resources by buying a diverse range of books about different cultures, stories that have been written in dual languages and also stories that show inclusiveness of those with disabilities. The books are being used for different cultural holidays such as ‘Diwali’ in October for children to look at and discuss freely or during circle time. This has been a great way of enhancing the experiences and knowledge of the children to different cultures and backgrounds and has encouraged inclusiveness between the children and their peers.
In November, to continue to support the children’s learning of mathematics and phonics, we bought a special online package with the NDNA in which each team member from the Preschool room are able to learn how to engage the children more effectively, during maths and phonics activities. We decided that being able to support each practitioner in Preschool to develop there mathematics and phonic skills would have more of a positive and wholesome impact on the children’s learning. We are looking forward to tracking the children’s work to show there progression and learning ready for next term.
April 2016
To help prepare the children with the transition to school, we bought various different colours of school uniforms, including summer dresses, trousers, polo tops, PE kits and book bags for our role play area. This really excited the children to get dressed and encourage some of our transition to school checklist points, such as doing up buttons. The children have been able to talk freely about their school and teachers and what colour uniform they could be wearing.
We created home learning packs thanks to EYPP, the packs included, a phonics book, a wipeable white board, wipeable pen, cleaning sponge, reusable activity worksheets and games. The worksheets are varied between maths activities and literacy or phonics activities. All of the children who are EYPP have been encouraged to take a pack home, so they can extend their learning in the home environment. Also practitioners can use them with the children on a one to one activity basis.
“The packs have been really good, I was able to take one home and then have a go at them with my little girl. It has been nice to do something that will support her education at home with her” – Pupil Premium Parent.
We decided after the success of our Zoo Lab visit that we would plan something around the children’s love and interest of digging and dinosaurs, by inviting ‘Fossils Galore’ to come into nursery to talk about fossils and provide the opportunity for the children to search and find their own treasures in the ground. This took place on 21st June 2016. Parents were asked if they wanted to attend the session, so they could share and enjoy the activity with their children. We had several parents who came to join in. The children all used brushes in sand to find fossils and got to keep 3 of their discoveries!
January 2016
After analysing the children’s learning and development using our monitoring tool we identified that we needed to focus on supporting the children with Mathematics. We decided to resource our maths area with new things such as numbered lacing beads, metric weights and scales, attribute shapes, numbered bean bags and numbered locks and keys. We wanted to buy these resources so that practitioners could plan suitable activities that supported number and shape recognition and counting beyond ten. We hoped that getting lacing beads would encourage more fine motor skills and the number bean bags would encourage more gross motor number themed activities.
We also felt that completing circuits before activities where children sat down would help let the children burn off any excess energy before sitting down to do a group activity.