Early Years Pupil Premium
Spring Term – 2024
This term we have added new resources into our outside area, focussing on our children’s houses. The aim of this is to extend speech and language development as the resources open up opportunities to learn new language not specific to a normal garden. As they learn new vocabulary and learn how to extend their imagination enhancing, communication and social skills they will develop relationships and be afforded new opportunities allowing them to explore the world around them.
With our new real-life resources, the children are given the opportunity to test real life objects having a sense of importance as they take care to handle items carefully, in turn creating a sense of calm, wonder, and curiosity for all.
The remainder of the money has contributed towards a revamp of our sensory room as we feel the room benefits all of our children, especially those learning to self-regulate. The tranquillity of the room brings about a natural sense of calm.
Summer Term – 2024
Looking at the different needs of our EYPP children this term we have decided to focus on boosting mental health and therefore chosen to add new resources to our outside garden area.
Evidence suggests that mental health improves in an outside environment and as some of our children live in properties that have no access to a garden, we feel this is even more important. In addition, we have specifically introduced resources that will develop fine motor skills, mathematics and encourage rich language aiding the children in literacy for the children that are due to move on to school in the Autumn term.
EYPP A Parents Guide
EYPP Policy