Millie's Mark For Nurseries
We have successfully been awarded ‘Millie’s Mark’, a Quality Mark for nurseries where all staff working directly with children are trained in paediatric first aid. This has been awarded by the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) in association with Department for Education and Millie’s Trust.
Having the Millie’s Mark award demonstrates our commitment to going above and beyond the minimum requirements for keeping children safe. It shows that all staff working directly with children not only hold a paediatric first aid certificate, but that they are also competent in how to apply this in practice.
EYFS First Aid Requirements
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidelines, which childcare settings in England are required to follow, currently state that just one person with a current paediatric first aid certificate must be on the premises and available at all times when children are present or on outings. (DfE 2017, page 22)

What is Millie’s Mark?
Millie’s Mark will be awarded as a special endorsement to childcare providers that go above and beyond these minimum requirements by having 100% of staff trained in paediatric first aid, and also ensuring that everything learned during the course is kept alive and in the forefront of practitioners’ minds so that they are confident, ready and capable.
When your setting gains the Millie’s Mark accreditation, you provide reassurance for your parents that all childcare practitioners know what to do in a paediatric first aid situation.
It acknowledges that children’s safety is at the forefront of your mind when you care for children.
Millie’s Mark in England
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidelines, which childcare settings in England are required to follow, currently state that just one person with a current paediatric first aid certificate must be on the premises and available at all times when children are present or on outings. (DfE 2017, page 22)
The acredditation process
Millie’s Mark accreditation is a comprehensive process. It requires settings to have 100% of staff working directly with children qualified in paediatric first aid – but involves much more than this. In order to be awarded, childcare settings must demonstrate that the learning is kept alive and in the forefront of practitioners’ minds, so they are confident, ready and capable should an emergency occur.