Early Years Pupil Premium - 2015
September 2015
For this term after looking at the children’s development we decided to look at the resources available to the children that where electronic. We decided to buy Bee Bots and the mats, so children could programme and learn how to input information into the bots, to send them on a short journey to a set destination on the mat.
Some of the children required support with staying focused at activities, so we bought some fun soundtracks games, in which we supported those children to play in small groups.
We have two children whose parents are expecting a new baby to arrive. We wanted to focus individual support for those children by providing ‘new baby’ books to read either at home or at nursery. If they were able to read with practitioners they could discuss any changes that may happen to the family when they became a brother or sister. The children really enjoyed sharing these books with their friends and spoke openly and excitedly in anticipation of the new arrivals, when the books where brought out to read.
After conversations with a majority of Pupil Premium parents, it was brought to our attention that some eligible children hadn’t had the opportunity to experience visiting different animals. We spoke to Zoo Lab who very kindly did a Christmas themed class, where they let the children handle and look at a variety of animals. Some parents came in to share the experience with their children. This is definitely something that we look at doing again, as the impact on the children was great and they were able to reflect and remember their fun experience.
“It was so nice that my little boy could have the opportunity to see such interesting animals at his nursery. I have never been able to take him to a zoo or to a farm, he has been so excited to tell us about the tree frog and how it could stick to the wall!” – Pupil Premium Parent.
April 2015
For our 1st Pupil Premium term we looked at the children’s development and identified that children who were eligible for EYPP required further support with Literacy, Communication and Language in the Early Years Foundation Stage. We discussed ways in which we could further engage the children, by holding short meetings with parents who were able to pop in for a discussion. As a result of the information we gathered we improved the resources available to the children for Communication and Language by buying educational board games.
We also revamped our mark making area by making a clear identifiable space in one room, stocking the area with wipeable letter worksheets, name cards and pencil cases and pens that were themed around super heroes and princesses, as this was a main interest with all of the children. This helped to re-engage the children in wanting to make marks, practice letters and aid them in learning to write their name using the printed name cards.
For our children who have English as an additional language, it was important for us that we focused on improving communication barriers, this was greatly supported with the use of ‘Talking Pens’ accompanied with Lithuanian and Portuguese books. This will be a resource that can be used again and again, as we can buy various books of different languages when we require them for future children who are eligible for EYPP.
Other resources for this term included educational games, such as ‘shape dinosaurs’, ‘ten green bottles’, ‘shut the box’, ‘rhyming tubs’ and new books all of which we are able to use during key group times.